“Inspire Me”- A Poem


 inspire me to see all things beautiful

life’s gifts wondrous and bountiful

the things I overlooked before

all I so selfishly chose to ignore

inspire me to appreciate

the unnoticed gifts from nature

fields of blooming wild flowers swaying in the warm wind on a summer day

the sunset decorating the sky with vibrant reds, yellows, and oranges

the majestic snow capped mountains reaching up to the sky

inspire me and take my breath away

allow me to hear the pleasant laughs and giggles of children

as joyous sounds and not noise

to be inspired by their young innocence

and impending bright futures

I want to be inspired

by thoughts of aging gracefully

a life without fear of death

a life without fear of living

I want to be inspired by

life’s joyful celebrations

by successes

by imagined dreams and realities

by all the things I take for granted every day

by God’s gifts and blessings

the good things in life

I want to be inspired

to be inspired

Comments or Suggestions Appreciated