My Broken Wing

broken wing

I am beautiful…

in spite of my broken wing

finding a way

traveling the distance

leaving the cold behind

a thousand miles or more

the journey long

the light

guides me there

the prevailing winds

beneath my wings

 take me there

through cool valley’s

between mountain tops

I persevere…

in spite of my broken wing

warding off predators

standing in my way

My life

precious as it is

I make the best of it

my wing…

frail as it is

will fight cold damp rains

falling briskly from the sky

until the time comes

to return home again

I find my way back

doing it all over again

the prevailing winds

beneath my wings

 carry me back

the light

always there to guide me

  back home

the others were there waiting for me

resting on their chosen soft satiny petals

I chose the most vibrantly colored place to rest

savoring the sweetness and goodness of the nectar

I am a grateful soul

I am beautiful

I am a survivor

In spite of my broken wing


I dedicate this poem to Dylan.  He is 23 years old and one of my son’s best friends.

He has been diagnosed with Lyme Disease.  A diagnosis which came too late to be treated and cured.

He struggles with pain and discomfort every day of his life now.   I cannot image that in spite of his pain and struggle

he remains positive and strong never giving up hope.  I can only guess he is getting his strength and perseverance from


  Please pray for him and all the others afflicted with Lyme Disease.

Lyme disease

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